Weddings in our church are Christian services of worship with the central focus on the ritual of marriage. The pastor and staff of the church will assist and guide to make this a sacred occasion.
Weddings in our church are Christian services of worship with the central focus on the ritual of marriage. The pastor and staff of the church will assist and guide to make this a sacred occasion.
Scheduling should be done as early as possible in consultation with the pastor. Counseling of the couple with the officiating minister is imperative.
Officiating - The pastor is in charge of all services in the church sanctuary. If a guest pastor is desired, our pastor must be consulted for approval. As a professional courtesy, the guest pastor should send a formal letter of request to the pastor. The pastor shall have the marriage license at least one week before the rehearsal.
Music is important to the wedding service. It shall be in good taste and shall be consistent in message and spirit with the Christian faith. The Music Director of Culpeper United Methodist Church must be contacted to assist the wedding couple with the music. The Music Director must approve anyone using the church organ. A list of approved organists and suggested soloists is available. All music must be approved by the Music Director of Culpeper United Methodist Church, in consultation with the pastor. The piano is not to be removed from the sanctuary, and the temperature control unit on the piano must remain plugged in at all times. The drum set will be removed if requested– see fee schedule. The audio equipment is available for use only if an approved operator is available. See fee schedule for all fees.
Wedding Director - While the pastor is in charge of all weddings, he shall be assisted by a director from this church, or a person of this church may be designated by a wedding director. This person will assist the pastor at the rehearsal and direct the wedding party the day of the wedding. The director will advise about what may be used to decorate the sanctuary. The florist will work with the wedding director. The director will be responsible for any special arrangements for the wedding. Certain rooms will be designated by the wedding director for the use by the wedding party as dressing rooms. Please contact a wedding director as soon as the wedding has been scheduled. If the nursery or any other rooms are used, they must be left in the same condition in which they were found.
Flowers on the Altar are to be live flowers or greens. There are to be no flowers on the piano or organ. Flowers on the altar are to be no higher than the arm of the cross. Seasonal decorations shall remain in place until the season is over. No tacks, nails, or tape may be used.
Photography: NO flash photography will be permitted during the wedding ceremony. Videotaping (privately hired) may be done in consultation with the pastor(s).
Fellowship Hall may be available for a rehearsal dinner/party and/or a wedding reception. This should be scheduled as early as possible to avoid conflict with other church programs. See fee schedule for all fees.
NO rice, confetti, bird seed, grass seed shall be thrown in the church or church grounds. If flower petals (real or fabric) are used, help with cleaning them up will be requested. No tape is to be used to attach decorations to the church furnishings. Use of glitter on decorations is prohibited.
The Bridal couple is responsible for any damages incurred as a result of acts or omissions.
There is to be ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING in any area of the church building.
The serving of alcoholic beverages is NOT PERMITTED on church property.
Maximum Room Capacities at Culpeper United Methodist Church are established in accordance with the Fire Marshall.
Sanctuary, including balcony
400 This includes guests, wedding party, musicians and officiators.
Fellowship Hall
162 Seated at tables
or 343 Seated/standing
or 225 With 6 tables (3 buffet, 1 punch, 1 cake, 1 gift)
or 150 With 13 tables (3 buffet, 1 cake, 1 punch, 1 gift, 7 with chairs)
Community Room
66 Seated at tables
or 141 Seated/standing
NOTE: ALL exits must remain clear and accessible at all times.