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Whole Life Stewardship

September 2 - September 30 2018

This sermon series focus is on Whole Life Stewardship. Be honest,  It is about how God trusts you and I to handle wisely all that has been entrusted to us, including your own life.


Integrating My Work and My Faith

September 2

Be honest, when you hear that "churchy" word stewardship, what is the first thing you think of? Many, if not all, will think about money. Your money. Whose money? That's the point. Did you know stewardship is so much more? It's about your influence, your opportunities, your vision, Stewardship is about your family, relationships and your work. It is about how God trusts you and I to handle wisely all that has been entrusted to us, including your own life.


Integrating My Money and My Faith

September 9

The world often applauds shrewdness. After all the guy was watching out for his own hide. God on the other hand applauds our honesty, truthfulness and trustworthiness. We too will be held accountable one day for the things God has entrusted to us.


Using My Time Wisely

September 30

If we believe each day is a gift from God, then no matter what we are dealing with and/ or enjoying, it is time we have that God asks us to be using wisely. How are you using your time today?  Are you taking seriously the need for a day of rest, reflection, relaxation, time preparing and eating good food, time with friends and family? All the rest of our time spent each week will look different if we have time for Sabbath and rest.

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