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All I Want for Christmas
December 2 - December 30, 2018
What is it you want for Christmas this year? Maybe a better question, what is it you want from Christmas? Or maybe even better, what do you need from Christmas this year? Maybe Christmas should focus more on what we need versus what we want. During this season of Advent, we prepare ourselves for what Christmas has to offer us. And it has a lot to offer as we open our hearts and minds and souls to what God has for us. One big gift is the new understanding we can have of God because God comes to us in the form of a baby called Jesus. That changes everything about how so many thought of God in the Old Testament to the New Testament. Christmas changes everything. Will you allow it to change you?

The Gift of Good News
December 2
Be careful not to move ahead too quickly and miss out on all the gifts that Christmas has to offer; gifts like worship, serving, helping the homeless, giving gifts to our Best Gift for Jesus Christmas Eve offering or Angel tree gifts for children. All gifts that are priceless. And the greatest and best gift we do not want to miss out on or rush past? The gift of Jesus, born to be Savior of the world. Born for you and me.

The Gift of New Understanding
December 9
What is it you want for Christmas this year? Maybe a better question, what is it you want from Christmas? Or maybe even better, what do you need from Christmas this year? Maybe Christmas should focus more on what we need versus what we want. During this season of Advent, we prepare ourselves for what Christmas has to offer us. And it has a lot to offer as we open our hearts and minds and souls to what God has for us. One big gift is the new understanding we can have of God because God comes to us in the form of a baby called Jesus. That changes everything about how so many thought of God in the Old Testament to the New Testament.

The Gift of a Strong Foundation
December 16
The closer we get to the Christmas season, the more it seems things are clamoring for our time, attention, and energy. There are presents to shop for, family visits to schedule, and cookies to bake! It seems that the days just seem to fly! While these things may bring us a sense of temporary happiness, they are not our ultimate source of joy. In the midst of the busy season, it's easy to lose sight of what we're really doing, the real meaning for the season.
The Gift of a New Style of Life
December 23
Christmas is almost here. During the season of Advent, we are invited to prepare ourselves for a meaningful and spirit filled Christmas. So, are you ready? Not in the sense of the house being cleaned or all the gifts wrapped and under the tree. Are you ready in your spirit? Ready to celebrate and to receive afresh the gift of the Christ-child.

All I Need for Christmas
December 24
We may wrestle some when we think about what we want for Christmas. Let’s think about it like this then. What does God want us to have, not only at Christmas time, but all year long? And why would God want us to have something so special like hope and peace, love and contentment? Because God loves us and wants the best for us. And God, knowing best what we need, God gave. God gave us a most special and precious gift in the giving of His son, Jesus.

Christmas Gifts We Can Pass on to Others
December 30
You know how we get some gifts that do not really fit, and we have to take them back and exchange them? There are some gifts that we can get and that we can give that will always fit in and out of season. Those gifts are time spent with loved ones and friends, words of encouragement and of appreciation, kindness and patience we can show others and the sharing of God's love and the love God places in our hearts.
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