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Culpeper UMC Streaming
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Dear CUMC Family and Friends

December is upon us, and with it comes the beautiful season of Advent, a time of waiting, preparing, and reflecting on the coming of Christ. As we light the candles of hope, peace, joy, and love, we are reminded of the promise that God is with us—Emmanuel.

This year, our Advent focus will center on Not a Silent Night by Adam Hamilton. Through his thoughtful reflections, we’ll journey with Mary, the mother of Jesus, and explore the Christmas story from her perspective. From the annunciation of the angel Gabriel to her presence at the foot of the cross, Mary’s story invites us to see God’s work of redemption with fresh eyes.

In our Sunday services, we’ll consider themes of obedience, grace, and the redemp-tive love of God through Mary’s experience. Mary’s faith challenges us to trust in God’s promises, even when His plans are beyond our understanding.

Advent is also a season to reflect on how we embody Christ’s light in our world. As we study together and gather for worship, let us carry the hope of Christmas into our homes, workplaces, and community.

May this season be one of spiritual renewal for us all, as we prepare room in our hearts for the One who came, who comes, and who will come again.

In Christ,


Pastor Won

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